CMS Clutch Spring


LC 135 (T) Racing Clutch Spring (4pcs/Set)
Made in Taiwan
Provide good performances and top speed to the motorcycle. Have good durability which able to withstand heat and it is not very elastic where it represent the good quality of the raw material which use to process the good quality of the clutch spring. Able to use on Standard motorcycle model LC 135 besides racing motorcycle.
SRLZ (T) Racing Clutch Spring (4pcs/set)
Made in Taiwan
Provide good performances and top speed to the motorcycle. Its also have high durability and able to withstand the heat and the force from damage which cause from other factor. It can be use in standard motorcycle and able to catch the timing of the part when its moving.
Wave 125 (T) Racing Clutch Spring(6pcs/set)
Made in Taiwan
Provide good performances and top speed to the motorcycle. The material which has been use is much quality product compare to the other clutch spring from other brand. It has good durability and longer lifespan time.
EX 5(T) Racing Clutch Spring (4pcs/set)
Made In Taiwan
Provide good performances and top speed. Have good durability and able to withstand heat to ensure the damage of the clutch spring is minimize to the top. This can help the user to save money and econ saving can be achieve.
Y125 Z(T) Racing Clutch Spring(4pcs/set)
Made in Taiwan
Provide good performances and top speed. Able to withstand heat and good durability which give the user longer time to change the spring , Eco saving and able to reach top speed of the motorcycle.
RXZ(T) Racing Clutch Spring (4pcs/set)
Made in Taiwan
Provide good performances and top speed to the motorcycle. Able to be use for standard motorcycle. Due to its high quality raw material it able to withstand heat coming from the combustion area and the damage put on it while the motorcycle which make it has good durability.

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